A flat plate containing a circular hole is subjected to arbitrary bi-axial stresses at infinity; adajcent to the hole and bonded symmetrically to both sides of the plate are cylindrically wound fibre composite annular ...
This Report considers the stress analysis of elastic plates with polar orthotropic properties. The analysis is applicable to fibre reinforced composites in the form of an annulus or curved strip with circumferential fibres. ...
The stress concentrations are determined for a panel, bounded by main load-carrying members and an oblique edge, such as might occur at a cut-out in a swept wing. The solutions given are exact and cover the effects of a ...
Exact solutions are given for the stress distributions in long panels bounded by constant-stress edge members. The influence of closely spaced stringers and ribs on the peak shear stresses is investigated.
A general theoretical technique is presented for the estimation of structural damage caused by impulsive loads. The technique, though approximate, takes account of differences that may exist between the elastic and plastic ...
The,torsional vibrations of a four-boom cylinder of doubiy symmetrical rectangular cross-section are considered and the differential equation of motion is derived on the assumption that the ribs maintain the section shape ...
The torsional rigidity of solid cylinders of double-wedge section is considered theoretically. Minimum energy methods are used to determine close upper and lower limits to the rigidity. The results are presented in graphical form.