Extended plasticity in commercial-purity zinc sheet

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dc.creator Williams, Derek
dc.date 2015-09-07T12:51:09Z
dc.date 2015-09-07T12:51:09Z
dc.date 1967-10
dc.date.accessioned 2022-05-09T09:54:58Z
dc.date.available 2022-05-09T09:54:58Z
dc.identifier http://dspace.lib.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826/9408
dc.identifier.uri https://reports.aerade.cranfield.ac.uk/handle/1826.2/4246
dc.description 99.15 pure zinc, when rolled at room temperature to reductions in excess of 50cp, shows properties grouped under the general title of 'extended plasticityl . At these reductions, the flow stress and elongation show an increasing strain-rate sensitivity, and at 8 reduction, at which most of the tests reported here were done, the conventional lar7e twinned. Grains were converted to a stable sub-grain structure 2-3 microns in diameter. This structure remains apparently unchanged after about 120;' elongation in uniaxial tension; no Evidence of slip or twinning has so far been observed under the electron microscope. Work to elucidate the deformation mechanism is continuing.
dc.language en
dc.publisher College of Aeronautics
dc.relation 137
dc.relation COA/M-137
dc.title Extended plasticity in commercial-purity zinc sheet
dc.type Report

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