Note on working speeds of some basic clerical operations

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dc.creator Willis, M. A. 2016-12-12T10:27:02Z 2016-12-12T10:27:02Z 1956-02 2022-05-09T10:07:03Z 2022-05-09T10:07:03Z
dc.description This Note is part of a larger study in the Business Systems Laboratory of the College of Aeronautics on economics of mechanised accountancy. As the subject of performance rates in the clerical operations of adding, multiplying and sorting is of wider interest than by mechanical accountancy, this part of the work is issued separately. A series of test were carried out to establish some performance standards and these appear in the Appendix. It is unlikely that the relative magnitude of the performance rates given should have a universal significance. They might at least, however, be expected to form a basis for assessing the relative efficiency with which given fundamental clerical operations like adding, multiplying and sorting are being carried out. Much research still remains to be done in this field of study. A considerable amount ha, probably already been done in different organisations but the results have not been made generally available. The Laboratory would be pleased to have any further information that could be made public.
dc.language en
dc.publisher College of Aeronautics
dc.relation CoA/N-37
dc.relation 37
dc.title Note on working speeds of some basic clerical operations
dc.type Report

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