A comprehensive simulation of a slender-wing supersonic transport aircraft during approach and landing has been flown by a number of pilots from airlines and test establishments. The aim of the simulation was to obtain pilots' comments on the handling qualities of the simulated aircraft, to discover problem areas, and to study especially touchdown, and the effect of autostabilizer failures. The touchdown phase was of particular interest as, at the time, it had not been studied in detail. Although useful results were obtained, they are qualified by the inability of the simulation to provide all the cues, particularly visual ones, necegsary for a successful lfinding. Cockpit motion in pitch and roll was used. Principal results were that the handling qualities of the simulated aircraft in its fully autostabilized state were good : loss of the pitch damper provoked the strongest criticisms; loss of autothrottle did not pose any great difficulty. Retaining the autothrottle in operation throughout the landing flare was desirable. Sidestep manoeuvres were performed easily and good landings could be made in calm and turbulent conditions, in cross-winds up to 25 kt.