An analysis has been made of the full-scale measured drag and lift performance, data available on the Sunderland, Solent, Shetland, Sealand, Saro E.6/44 and Princess boat seaplanes, which all have hulls of fairly orthodox ...
Tests have been made on a large four-engined flying boat (Solent Mk. 3), to determine the hydrodynamic performance in sheltered water and in open-sea swells. The sheltered water characteristics were investigated over a ...
This report describes an investigation into the hydrodynamic qualities of a Sunderland flying-boat hull, weight 50,000 lb, fitted with a main-step fairing of fairing ratio 17 : 1. The fairing was equipped with ventilating ...
The general theory of the autogyro given by Glauert in R. & M. 1111 is based on certain simplifying approximations and assumptions. The object of the present paper is to develop the theory still further by removing some ...
Summary. This report gives further experimental results for compressible turbulent boundary layers with air injection. The experimental arrangement is similar to that used by Jeromin (R. & M. 3526) but, by a slight ...
The wind-tunnel tests on cambered gothic wings reported in Reports and Memoranda No. 3211 have been extended to include the effects of changes in design lift coefficient and of changes in spanwise camber without changes ...
Fage, A.; Falkner, V. M.(H. M. Stationery Office, 1931)
The intensity of friction on the surfaces of two cylinders of diameter 2·93 in. and 5·89 in. respectively have been determined from measurements of velocity taken at distances of about 0·0025 in. from the surface with small ...
Transient pressures have been measured on the upper surface of a narrow delta wing when it passed through newly sharp-edged upward and downward gusts. Some characteristics of the transient behaviour of the vortex flow on ...
A comprehensive simulation of a slender-wing supersonic transport aircraft during approach and landing has been flown by a number of pilots from airlines and test establishments. The aim of the simulation was to obtain ...
An axially-symmetrical supersonic fully-expanded jet of diameter 0.75 in. was investigated by pitot- and static-tube traverses in the region from the exit to 100 diameters downstream. The investigation is supplementary to ...
The present work was undertaken in order to extend the existing experimental information on the 30 per cent. Griffith suction aerofoil obtained by Richards, Walker and Taylor (1945), in particular: (a) to investigate the ...